Human Diseases and Surgery

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Adversely effects of alcohol on the body

4:18 AM

Consuming excess alcohol over time can take toll on an individual’s health. Alcohol is rapidly absorbed in to the blood stream. It can diffuse most of the biological tissues and cause harmful effects on different systems of the body.

Effects on body systems
Central Nervous System: 
Drinking impairs judgment, thinking and concentration and also leads to drowsiness and even coma. Occasional loss of memory is common in regular drinkers. Persistent alcohol use has harmful effects on brain and nerves.
Alcohol reduces the absorption of thiamine from the gut and hinder with how thiamine is used in the body. Thiamine deficiency can cause life threatening disorder called Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Alcohol can damage the cerebellum which is responsible for balance and coordination. It can disrupt the sleep cycle and result in insomnia. Drinking can cause blurred or double vision and alcohol poisoning leads to loss of vision.

Circulatory System
Chronic use of alcohol increases the risk of heart diseases like heart failure, irregular heartbeats and dilated cardiomyopathy. Drinking can also increase blood pressure. Alcohol consumption increases the risk of heart disease in women compared to men.

Digestive System
Alcohol can cause damage to the digestive system by disrupting its normal function. It can affect every part of the digestive tract starting from the mouth to the colon. Alcohol abuse can injure the salivary glands and can result in gum disease, tooth decay, and even tooth loss. It also results in ulcers, acid reflux and heartburn. Abdominal ulcers and gastritis are common in regular drinkers.
Inflammation of the pancreas compromises with its capacity to assist digestion and regulate metabolism. Injury to the digestive system can cause gas, abdominal fullness, and diarrhea. Chronic drinkers can experience internal bleeding, which may be due to ulcers, hemorrhoids or due to cirrhosis.
Alcohol disrupts absorption of nutrients and B vitamins and thus causes malnutrition. Drinking increases the risk of mouth, throat, and esophagus cancers.
Diabetic patients have an increased risk of low blood sugar levels, particularly if they are on insulin therapy. Deficiencies in vitamin B6, vitamin B12, thiamine, and folic acid can lead to decreased blood counts.

Muscular & Skeletal System
Alcohol use results in various types of injuries, including injuries from road traffic accidents, falls etc. This are typically because elevated levels of blood alcohol weaken the brain function and the coordination of muscles, causing difficulty in movement. Chronic alcohol use disturbs the absorption of calcium and bone formation and can in fact lead to osteoporosis.

Immune system
An immune system damaged by alcohol has a tough time fighting off viruses, germs, and all types of diseases. Chronic drinkers are more prone to infections after surgery, burns, trauma, hepatitis C infection, HIV/AIDS, meningitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis compared to non alcoholic individuals. Alcohol abuse increases the risk of many types of cancer.

Sexual and Reproductive Health
Alcohol abuse is directly linked to erectile dysfunction in men. It can also hinder hormone production, alter testicular function, and cause infertility.
Extreme drinking in women disrupts the menstrual cycle and in turn leads to infertility. It can also augment the risk of miscarriage, premature delivery, and stillbirth. Alcohol has a bad impact on fetal development. It can cause physical abnormalities, learning difficulties, and emotional troubles.
Alcohol use increases breast cancer risk in women.

Mental health
It is believed that alcohol helps to handle complex situations and emotions, and that it decreases stress or alleviate anxiety, but alcohol is in fact connected with a variety of mental health problems including depression, anxiety, personality disorders and schizophrenia.
Alcohol has also been associated to suicide. Studies suggest that one third of suicides among younger age group take place while the person is intoxicated.
Heavy drinking can interrupt normal sleeping patterns, resulting in insomnia and a lack of peaceful sleep, which can add to stress and anxiety.

Excretory system
Alcohol is a diuretic (causes water to be lost from the body through the kidneys).Excess consumption of alcohol leads to dehydration. Alcohol can also cause the loss of vital minerals and salts from the body such as magnesium, calcium, phosphate, sodium and potassium, either directly or through vomiting. Decreased levels of these elements can produce many problems ranging from irregular heartbeats to seizures.
Chronic alcohol use can cause the pancreas to produce toxic substances that obstruct with proper functioning. The major function of liver is to break down harmful substances, including alcohol. Heavy drinking contributes to alcoholic hepatitis which can progress to the development of jaundice. Chronic liver inflammation can cause severe scarring known as cirrhosis. This formation of scar tissue can damage the liver. When the liver stops functioning, harmful substances remain in the body. Liver disease is highly lethal. Women are at increased risk for alcoholic liver disease than men, because women’s bodies tend to take up more alcohol and take longer to process it. Alcohol abuse also elevates the risk of liver cancer.
Transplantation is the most practical choice in case of liver failure patients. Liver transplant treatment in India is successfully performed under competent surgeons with an affordable cost compared to western countries.

Alcohol abuse treatment
Quitting alcohol is usually a more gradual practice. In the initial stages of recovery, denial is a major barrier. Even after acknowledging the drinking problem, the individual may create excuses and drag the feet. Setting the goal with utmost determination is the most important step in recovery. Following tips may help in recovery:

  1. Connect with supportive people or group
  2. Stay away from triggers and triggering people 
  3. Get ready to face the withdrawal symptoms
  4. Anticipate setbacks - it is essential to be practical about the recovery
  5. Adopt healthy life style habits like  exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate amount of sleep
  6. Acquire more knowledge about recovery by reading the related articles

Some people can quit drinking on their own, while others need medical help in order to withdraw from alcohol securely and happily. Rehabilitation centers or professional treatment helps in recovery, but to stay away from alcohol for the long term needs strong determination and will power.

Friday, February 24, 2017

How does diabetes affect your overall health?

3:26 AM

Diabetes, one of the menacing diseases that is at present taking a toll on Indian population and the world at large. Reports say that more than half the global population is either suffering from this condition or remain highly prone to the same.

Many refer to diabetes as a slow poison and this is not completely wrong. Although, it starts with an impaired pancreatic gland, the disease can have adverse effects on the entire body; affecting each and every organ of the human anatomical system.

It must be noted that this pancreatic disorder is not an ageing condition and is very well seen amongst young adults and sometimes teenagers as well. However, diabetes is not something unbeatable and inevitable. On the contrary, doctors are of the opinion that a slight understanding and precautions beforehand, can very well keep this condition at bay. Therefore, let us learn about the possible causatives, adverse effects and preventive measures of diabetes.

Diabetes – Type 1 and Type 2:

Under normal health conditions, the human body derives sugar from the food we eat, and breaks it down to release glucose, essential for energy supply. This process requires a hormone named insulin produced by the pancreatic glands.

Due to multiple reasons, the pancreatic gland may not function normally and may lead to reduced or no supply of insulin. Thus, sugar content in the blood remains high and are not converted to glucose; leading to high blood sugar level or diabetes.

On a broader prospect, there are two forms of diabetes; namely, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is also known as Juvenile diabetes and is an immune system disorder. In this condition, the body’s own defence mechanism wrongly attacks the insulin producing cells and interrupts normal production of this essential hormone.

Type 2 on the other hand, is known as insulin resistant diabetes and is related to body cells that do not respond to this essential hormone produced. In this condition, the pancreatic cells secrete normal levels of insulin; however, the body cells that require insulin remain indifferent to this secreted hormone and thus lead to an increased demand of insulin in the body. Pancreas continue to produce robust amount of insulin for a short period and eventually gets exhausted and stops insulin generation. This form of diabetes is more common with young adults and older generation as compared to type 1, that is detected at an infant or teenage state.

Irrespective of the types, diabetes has some adverse effects on the body and every diabetic person need to know about these so that proper and needed steps could be taken at an appropriate time.

Following are some of the adverse effects of diabetes on the body:

Diabetes if left uncontrolled may lead to some devastating effects on the body. Here are some of the common complications related to diabetes:

Diabetes may affect your eyes: 

Prolonged and uncontrolled diabetes may lead to multiple eye disorders; retinopathy being the most common of all. Diabetic retinopathy is a condition where the light sensitive tissues of the eyes, known as retina are damaged and may lead to complete blindness if left untreated. Glaucoma and cataracts are also very common with high blood sugar or in that case elevated blood pressure levels as well. Opting for regular screening tests involving eye tests and examinations, even when there are no vivid symptoms experienced stands mandatory.

Diabetes may lead to atherosclerosis: 

Elevated levels of sugar in blood eventually lead to fatty deposition within blood vessels. This leads to restricted blood flow and hardening of blood vessels, known as atherosclerosis.
Reduced blood flow leads to narrowing of blood vessels and eventually causes pain and related discomforts. Atherosclerosis mostly affects the foot and it is because of this that many diabetics do complain of pain, tingling sensation or numbness around their feet.

Diabetes may lead to kidney disorders: 

Kidneys are one of the vital organs of the body and diabetes can hinder normal functioning of these organs; leading to multiple minor or severe health issues. Initial stages of diabetes will not interfere with normal working of the organs; however, if left untreated and ignored diabetes do lead to impaired kidney functions.

All diabetics need to know that it is only during the severe stages of diabetes that kidney malfunctions are observed. Therefore, taking care and making efforts to keep blood sugar levels under control can save their kidneys and keep them healthy despite the condition.

Diabetes may lead to disorders of the Central nervous system:

Diabetes leads to peripheral neuropathy, a condition of damaged nerve cells where a person in unable to perceive heat and cold accurately. This is a severe condition that makes you susceptible to injuries, especially between toes, heels and bottom of your feet. Initial stages of this disorder is quite manageable and can be easily taken care with medicines and therapy. However, if this is left untreated, nerves tend to get weaker with time and lead to severe and more damaging ailments.

Diabetes may lead to skin complications: 

Diabetes have a damaging effect on skin, and rather these are the initial symptoms of uncontrolled high blood sugar levels. Diabetes related skin troubles may first begin with bacterial infections. Boils, nail and hair follicle infections, styes are some of the common issues observed.

Diabetics are also prone to fungal infections. Itching, redness and discharge around nails, fingers, armpits and vaginal area are some of the initial symptoms of diabetes induced fungal infections. It must be noted that there can be ample reasons behind fungal infections apart from diabetes. So, anyone complaining of fungal infection symptoms need to visit a doctor immediately.

These were few of the harmful effects of diabetes when left untreated and ignored. With advancement in medical sciences, diabetes is now quite treatable and manageable. Proper diet, physical exercises, regular screening tests and medication can greatly control high blood sugar levels. Thus, adopting a healthy lifestyle is all you need to do so as to continue with a normal life despite diabetes.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Most popular weight loss surgeries in India

11:13 PM
Weight issues are more or less among the most common gripes for Indians. Obesity is anyways a dangerous disorder as it is an invitation to different life-threatening diseases that have a life-long continuity. Not to mention the lack of energy and enthusiasm the fat deposits get with themselves. Obesity sets in little by little all thanks to the varied cuisines that are there for pampering their taste buds and harmful eating habits form a recipe for unnecessary weight gain. Come, wedding and festive season the same people gorging on pizza and pasta start eating boiled vegetables and bland food in the name of diet! Crash diets and gymming comes to rescue of people who are looking for instant results that get cooked as fast as instant noodles. However results of such modes are obviously short-term too!

The washboard abs and picture-perfect models gracing magazine covers gives major fitness goals to people over the world. Weight loss surgeries come into the picture when people want instant results or when dietary changes and exercises have failed to show the desired effect. 
Read ahead to get a detailed picture of the different weight loss surgeries that are popular in India and are getting preference from Indians to lose those extra kilos:

1.Bariatric Surgery- 
Bariatric surgeries are recommended only when medication and therapy do not work out at all. Bariatric surgeries reduce the person's weight through one or many different modes such as changing the structure of digestive system, stomach and intestinal size. Through this type of surgery, the person feels fuller on eating smaller than his usual portions of foods. Apart from weight loss, bariatric surgery offers benefits like eliminating symptoms of cholesterol, knee pain, involuntary urine passage, type 2 diabetes etc. additionally symptoms of Gastroesophageal reflux disease, abbreviated as GERD which is a disorder of digestive system are also eliminated when the person undergoes a bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery is done using following listed techniques:

i- Lap band surgery- Also known as Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band surgery. In it a balloon is attached to a band in the shape of a small pouch is inserted in the  stomach insidiously. The food consumed by the person directly fills into this pouch making them feel full in a short time. This surgery can help the person to lose 1/3rd of his original weight. This type of bariatric surgery is recommended to people whose Body Mass Index (BMI) lies between 35 and 40. People suffering from serious health conditions like diabetes and sleep disorders also are candidates for lap band surgery.

ii- Gastric bypass surgery- Roux-en-Y surgery or in colloquial terms gastric bypass surgery is considered as the most commonly used surgery for weight loss. The process is similar to lap band surgery. Procedure of this surgery entails creating a small pouch in the stomach for reducing the appetite and in turn intake of food. In the next part the surgeon connects the pouch to the small intestine. Diversion of food from the pre-decided route causes changes in hormones in intestine. These hormones are responsible for the diminished appetite. There are no serious complications arising out of this surgery. The patient can resume his routine activities in a couple of days. Also, absorption power of the stomach is reduced, which is why even over-eating won't cause visible change in the person's weight.

iii- Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS) Gastric Bypass- This is yet another another type of bariatric procedure for people who are extremely obese. This procedure is considered to be very effective as compared to any other weight loss procedure and is recommended only to people who have a BMI  of more than 50. This surgery type also aims at altering the natural digestion process through alteration of the stomach and intestines. People who undergo this type of surgery for weight loss have a reduced absorption capacity of nutrients that go into their stomachs. 

2. Liposuction-  
Liposuction entails reduction of fat deposits sitting in various parts of the body such as waist, buttocks, arms and thighs to name a few. General anesthesia is administered to the patient. Thereafter, the areas to be worked on are expanded using saline solution. Incisions are then further made for accessing the fat cells for destroying them and suctioning them out. This procedure is used in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures like breast reduction, breast augmentation and tummy tuck procedures.

3. Tummy Tuck-  
Also termed as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is another cosmetic procedure that is gaining popularity today because of obvious reasons. Abdominal muscles are tightened and the fat deposits are ironed out in an abdominoplasty. Complete and partial abdominoplasty are the 2 approaches a tummy tuck surgery has. The patient can decide accordingly as to which approach to go with. However, if you decide to have children, then it is better to postpone the tummy tuck for a later period.

4. Sleeve Gastrectomy-
Like other weight loss surgeries a sleeve gastrectomy also works on reduction of stomach. A sleeve gastrectomy removes 85% of the stomach. After removal the remains of the stomach resemble a banana. Only the stomach volume reduces, the nerves that lead to the stomach and are essential for its functioning remain unharmed. This procedure only involves reduction of stomach capacity without  conducting intestinal bypass. The person's appetite is reduced because ghrelin manufacturing stops. Ghrelin is the hormone that produces appetite. Through this procedure, patients are assured of losing upto 70% of excess weight in their bodies over a one year period. Patients who are not fit for gastric procedures or intestinal bypass surgeries are perfect candidates for this procedure. As this procedure helps in weight loss without exposing them to risk of serious conditions. Also, this procedure minimizes chances of anemia, deficiencies of proteins and vitamins, blockages in intestines etc.

Friday, January 6, 2017

IVF(in vitro fertilization): Solution for infertility

3:12 AM
Today's fast and modern lifestyle had made couples super busy with their careers. They barely have time for each other. Also the excessive workload has increased the stress levels. The cases of couples with infertility problem is increasing day by day. There can be many other factors which are responsible for the increasing rate of infertility problem. This includes congenital and hereditary problems or it may also result of some internal injury or any other reason.

Most of the  couples who are facing the problem of infertility have now opted for IVF treatment in India. Many have also received positive results and had babies using this modern technique which is the solution for  the problem of inability to conceive. This technique is really helpful for couples who have problem in getting pregnant or staying pregnant.

What exactly is Infertility?
Infertility is the condition if the couple is unable to conceive or get pregnant even after the term of one year or more having unprotected intercourse. It is not an exclusive problem of females. Rates of infertility are similar for both males and females.

Possible Causes of Infertility:
Male infertility can be caused by following reasons:
  • Low sperm count or disorder in sperm production
  • Some Immunological disorder
  • Some body structure disorder
Female infertility can be caused by following reasons:
  • Disorder to Ovulate
  • Some Anatomical abnormality
  • Hormonal problems like Thyroid gland related 

IVF treatment process
IVF treatment in India  involves four primary steps:

1.Induction of Ovulation
Before and during the IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment the fertility specialist will be monitoring your ovaries and the timing when the eggs will be released. Your doctor will make sure that the hormone levels are normal and ovaries are producing eggs.

Many women have to take hormones or fertility medicines during this period to stimulate the ovaries which helps to produce one or more eggs. Producing several eggs increases the chances for you to get pregnant.

2.Retrieval of Egg
In this step of IVF treatment some pain medicines are given to lessen any discomfort caused. A very minute needle is passed through the upper wall of vagina. The fluid is removed from the follicles under the gentle suction by using the vaginal ultrasound.

After the aspiration of the follicle, instantly the egg (oocyte) is isolated from the follicular fluid. The oocyte is kept in a culture dish which contains nutrient media. It is then transferred to the incubator.
3.Fertilization of egg
The next step of IVF treatment is to fertilize egg. A sperm sample is taken from your partner or from a donor. The sperm, which is most active is mixed with the egg in a special chamber. The sperm may also be injected directly into the egg sometimes. The sperm and the egg are then kept in an incubator and monitored for making sure that a healthy embryo is developed.

4.Transfer of embryos and implantation
The last step in IVF treatment is transfer of embryos. The embryos are examined first for selecting the healthiest one for transfer. For transferring embryos, a speculum is placed in vagina and the
mbryos get transferred through a tiny plastic tube which is placed via cervix into the cavity of uterine.

IVF - What are the possible risks?
Your Doctor will discuss the  possible risks involved in vitro fertilisation (IVF) with you before you performing this treatment. It is very important that you are aware of all the potential problems.

Drug reaction
A moderate reaction of fertility drugs might give you hot flushes, feeling of down or irritation,restlessness and headaches. Symptoms will usually disappear after a some time but if they do not, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome 
Ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome is a dangerous over-reaction of fertility drugs which are used to trigger egg production. It can create symptoms such as a stomach pain, swollen stomach, vomiting and nausea.

Although the risk of a miscarriage after IVF  is not very high, but it may happen in some cases. Your doctor have to arrange a pregnancy ultrasound scan if you conceive after an IVF. This is for checking that the pregnancy should not probable miscarry. The scan is usually done after two weeks of positive pregnancy test.

Ectopic pregnancy
When an embryo is developed in fallopian tube instead of your womb, the pregnancy is called as ectopic. An ectopic pregnancy can even occur after IVF. Ectopic pregnancy can result in low pregnancy hormone levels,vaginal bleeding,and miscarriage. Hormone tests and scans are performed to detect ectopic pregnancies.

Possibility of multiple births
Possibility of  multiple birth (twins, triplets or more) is  one of the greatest health risk related with fertility treatment.

Your doctor should always warn you about the possible  risks of IVF while deciding how many embryos need to be transfered in your treatment.

What to expect after IVF?
In just after few weeks after undergoing in Vitro fertilization process, you can take a pregnancy test. Many women get pregnant after the process,But in some cases it may also happen that the procedure has not worked. So it is always advised to check the success rates for women of your age group .
In  an average the couple may undergo IVF treatment 2 to 3 times before a successful pregnancy occurs. Once the pregnancy happens, it will be no different from normal pregnancy. 

Many top hospitals have the best team of doctors clubbed with the latest technology for providing the IVF treatment in India. Even the couples outside India prefer to undergo this treatment in India. This is a costly procedure,so while choosing the clinic make sure to ask about the success rate of that clinic. The success rate of the IVF depends on many factors like maternal age, reproductive history, cause of infertility and lifestyle factors. These factors may cause problems while conceiving through IVF. But this treatment can be ray of hope for the couples who are eager to become parents. With proper care and precautions many couples can experience the bless of parenthood.

Monday, December 12, 2016

How to cope with Hair-fall?

4:25 AM
Hair fall is a common problem that is faced by almost everyone these days. This problem is not restricted to any particular sex. Both men and women are victims of this problem. We all want healthy beautiful hair and always try to find ways to achieve that. Many clinics now provide Hair-fall treatment in India.

Normally we have around 100,000 strands of hair on our scalp. It is normal to lose 50 to 100 strands of hair every day. But if you are losing more than that, then it is time to take necessary actions to prevent this excess hair-fall.

Common Causes of hair-fall
Many factors can be reasons for your hair-fall. Some of the major causes are:
  • Change in weather or environment
  • Stress
  • Aging
  • Imbalance of hormones
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Infection on scalp
  • Some hair products or chemicals in hair products can also cause hair-loss
  • genetic factors.
Some medicines and diseases may also lead to hair-fall. Listed are some of the common diseases which causes hair-loss.
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Diseases of Autoimmune system
  • Deficiency of iron (Anemia)
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Chronic disease like Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Heart diseases
Treatments for Hair-Fall:
Lots of options are present for treating the problem of hair-loss. Many people first try to use natural home remedies before visiting a dermatologist. But in most cases, these home remedies take lot more time to show any effect and also they may not even work in most scenarios. If you are facing lot of hair-fall and want quick relief from this problem, then consult your dermatologist fast.

Dermatological Hair-fall treatment options in India
Many people in India now prefer to consult a doctor for treating hair-loss. Many people also opt for hair transplant.

Following are the different hair-fall treatment options available:

Studies show that the hair follicle is strengthened by Biotin. This also promotes hair growth. Biotin is also a very costly vitamin which is found in vitamin B-complex tablets in very less amount.Higher amount of biotin, i.e. around 8-10mg, is available in vitamins that are specifically targeted to hair-fall. Biotin is also present in large amount in non-vegetarian food like organ meat and eggs. Dairy products are also rich source of biotin. Dark Green vegetables like cabbage, lettuce and other leafy vegetables are also providers of biotin.Eating nuts like walnuts and almonds can also prove beneficial.

Any lotion which has Minoxidil, is often prescribed for hair-loss problem. This lotion is used in initial stages. This lotion increases the blood circulation to the scalp, hence reducing hair-fall.

Finasteride is also another medicine which will help to reduce the male hormone on hair follicle. It prevents conversion of hair follicle into the active hormone. But this medicine can cause side effects so should only be used by consulting a skin specialist.

In this treatment, small injections of stem cells are given in the skin. These injections are given such that they will provide maximum benefit with less wastage. As this process is little painful, some local numbing cream is applied to minimize this pain.

In this procedure, a roller blade like device called as dermaroller is rubbed gently on the areas where you have hair-loss. This will cause irritation of skin which will stimulate the stem cells that are present in deeper part of hair follicle. These stem cells later grow and have the ability to develop into new hair follicles. This treatment is very beneficial in the initial stages of a condition known as alopecia. We can further improve the effects by infusing growth factor or stem cells. The channels which are created in scalp by microneedling will enable active medicine to go deep in the deeper layer where it is more effective.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP):
In this process, the patient's blood samples will be taken in the morning. This blood sample is then processed and the platelets will be separated. Theses platelets will then be activated. The active platelets are then inserted in the area where the hair-loss is happening on the scalp with microneedling or by using direct injections. These activated platelets can help to reverse hair fall.

All these treatments are now available at affordable prices in many clinics across India. They can really be very helpful to treat the problem of baldness and hair-fall which can really make a person lose confidence. Many good doctors provide advanced Hair-fall treatment in India, which gives quick results. So if you face this problem and are finding it impossible to live with it, consult a dermatologist near you and enjoy a new and confident look.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Dental X-rays: Types, Purpose, Procedure, Cost

3:54 AM
Dental X-rays are the pictures of the teeth taken needed by dentists to evaluate the oral health. The X-rays take picture of the teeth, mouth, jaw, hidden dental structures like wisdom teeth, and bone loss. These are done depending upon the age of patient, current oral health,any symptoms of oral disease, and by history of gum disease or tooth decay. The dental X-rays are of low radiation and capture the interior of the teeth and gums. They are helpful in identifying the problems like cavity, tooth decay, impacted teeth. In general, the X-rays is performed by two ways. One is intraoral, in which the X-ray film is inside the mouth. They give a detailed history of the cavities, health of tooth root, jaw bone, and dental health. Second is Extra oral X-rays, in which the dental film is outside the mouth. These X-rays show teeth but the main focus is jaw and skull. They look after the impacted teeth, monitor growth and identify the development and the diseases of the jaws in relation to the teeth.

Types of Dental X-rays
The types of Dental X-rays that are performed these days are as following:

1. Bitewing X-rays: These X-rays show the upper and lower back teeth and interpret how the teeth touch each other in a single view. They are used to check the tooth decay, alignment of the upper and lower teeth line, bone loss, gum disease, and any kind of infection. They are performed especially for tooth decays.
2. Periapical X-rays: These X-rays show the entire tooth starting from crown portion to end of roots. They also show the bone that supports the teeth. They are used to find problems below the gum line, in jaw, impacted teeth, abscesses, cysts, tumors, and bone alterations. When a patient arrives at the clinic, in their first visit a periapical X-ray taking around 18 to 21 X-ray film is performed. 
3. Occlusal X-rays: These X-rays shows the roof of the mouth, finds extra teeth that have not been broken, jaw fractures, cleft palate, cysts, abscesses, and other kinds of abnormal growths. They are used to find a foreign object that may be present inside the tooth. They are the X-rays that   are performed in rare cases.
4.Panoramic X-rays: These are the X-rays showing the broad view of the jaws, teeth, sinus, nasal cavity, and jaw joints. These X-rays are not capable of finding cavities, impacted teeth, bone abnormalities, cysts, abnormal growth, infections, and jaw fractures.

Purpose of Dental X-rays
  • Finding problems like tooth decay, tooth damage, damage to bones supporting the teeth, dental injury.
  • Finding the alignment of lower and upper teeth.
  • Finding teeth that are not in the right place or do not break through the gum properly. 
  • Finding cysts, solid growths like tumors, and abscesses.
  • Checking the location of permanent teeth in children who still have baby teeth.
  • Diagnosis of large cavities.
  • Planning the root canal surgery, placement of dental implants, and difficult tooth removals.
Preparing for a Dental X-ray
Any special preparation is not required for a dental X-ray. Although, the patient is asked to brush their teeth before visiting the dentist. It prevents hygienic environment and keep the risks of infections at a bay. In case, the patient is pregnant tan she should inform the doctor beforehand so as to protect the baby for radiations.

Procedure of Dental X-ray
Dental X-rays are performed in the clinic itself. Any kind of hospitalization is not required. Firstly, the patient is covered with a heavy lead apron and made to sit in a upright position on a chair. Lead apron protects the body from X-rays. Even the neck is covered to shield the thyroid gland from radiations. The patient would be asked to bite down a piece of cardboard or plastic. The cardboard or plastic holds X-ray film. The patient may be asked to bite the cardboard several times to get the images of all the teeth. The dentists record all the images of teeth to diagnose the tooth problems. A dental hygienist will clean your teeth if they are present over there. After the X-rays is performed, the patient may be asked to rinse their mouth. Different radiography techniques are used. The method described above uses an electronic sensor instead of a X-ray film. The images stored can be viewed whenever required.

Risks of Dental X-rays
The amount of radiation used in dental X-rays is low. However, there is a nominal risk of damage of cells or tissues being exposed to radiation. The risk is far low as compared to the benefits of the test. Apart, from the radiation no other risk is there.

Cost of Dental X-ray in India
There are numerous dental clinics all over India. In almost, all the clinics a dental X-ray is performed. The cost of the Dental X-ray is nominal. It starts from around Rs.200 and may extend up to rs.700. The costs depend on the type of X-ray performed and the kind of technology used. The film technology is cheaper than the sensor technology used during a Dental X-ray. Secondly, the cost is also related to the dentists one is going to. Specialists may charge a little higher but the amount won’t to exceed Rs.1000 in any of the cases. To more information and cost about Dental X-ray in India.

Dental X-rays are an important part to keep up the oral health. They are equally important like brushing and flossing. Regular dental X-rays are required by everyone. Adults should have bitewing X-rays every 2 to 3 years. Teens should have bitewing X-rays every 1½ to 3 years. Children should have bitewing X-rays every 1 to 2 years. X-rays are to be performed even in cases when you don’t have any serious dental problem as a precautionary dental checkup. The Dental X-rays are not at all painful, costly or invasive procedures. So, they can be performed routinely to keep a good oral health. Studies say, one should go for a Dental X-ray at least once in a year to avoid future dental problems.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

All you want to know about Breast reduction surgery

3:05 AM
Breast reduction surgery is an interesting phenomenon. Majority of women like their breasts to be bigger. The bigger the better. But there are still a chunk of females who have to go in for reduction surgeries of their breasts. Even though breasts are considered to be an asset for ladies. Cosmetic surgeries like breast reduction or augmentation are becoming a fad among women around the globe. According to The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2013 alone there was a whopping 41, 164 breast surgeries performed in America. 
Read on to find out the basics of the surgery, the reasons women have to undergo it, surgery procedures and risks attached to it.

Breast reduction surgery is all about...
Breast reduction surgery as its name suggests is a medical procedure for reducing the size of breasts in women. These days even men are seen to undergo this surgery. The medical term to denote this surgery in females is known as mammoplasty. It is done to alleviate apparent discomfort amongst them when the size of the breasts and their body weight is disproportionate to each other.

Women are needed to undergo breast reduction surgery when..
If any of the following symptoms are visible in you, then breast reduction surgery is for you:
  • Heavy breasts: Heavy and pendulous breasts which do not provide proper support are reason enough for undergoing breast reduction surgery.
  • Physical activity stands reduced: Physical sports like a game of volleyball or activities like bending down to move heavy objects are deterrents when a female has big breasts.
  • Disproportionate breasts: There are instances when women have breasts which aren't in proper proportion to their overall height and weight
  • Body pain: Breast reduction surgery becomes a necessity when the heavy size of breasts leads to chronic neck-ache, backache, aching shoulders, increased headaches due to excess sizes of breasts
  • Bra strap syndrome: This syndrome is rampant when you experience pain in shoulders because of the nerves in your torso getting pressurized. Deep troughs are caused by the weight of breasts pulling the straps of bras into your shoulders. 
  • Restrictions on wearing fitted clothes: Women having excessively big breasts have difficulty getting into fitted clothes or tops. With their breasts protruding out, it is real embarrassing to fit into different types of clothes. So if you are a women facing this very sartorial problem, then breast reduction surgery is the remedy for you.
  • Affected posture: Just as heavy fruits growing on the tree makes the tree bend down, likewise heavy breasts also cause the female to walk in a forward bent. Walking in such a fashion inadvertently causes backaches. This leads to breast reduction surgery becoming a necessity at some point of time in future. 
The stage preceding  breast reduction surgery entails...
This is the most important phase before surgery. As results could get affected by the precautions you take before going in for surgery. These are few measures to get the best out of your breast reduction surgery:
  • Talk with the surgeon: It is important to have a word with the surgeon you are consulting for undergoing surgery for breast reduction
  • Medical history of your family: Discuss the medical history of your family with them. It will be better if you tell them whether there was any case of breast cancer running in your genes.
  • Mammogram: The surgeon may advise you to undergo a pre-operation mammogram for detection of changes if any in breast tissues.
  • Kick out smoking: Quitting the habit of smoking a few days prior to surgery is an important thumb-rule
  • Supplements and drugs: Avoid intake of herbal supplements, anti-inflammatory medicines to prevent loss of blood during surgery
  • Lose weight: Being in the best shape prior to surgery is a must. You need to shed the kilos if you are overweight to derive best results out of the surgery.

The breast reduction surgery goes on for...
You have considered every measure of precaution prescribed by your surgeon. And now you must be wondering whether how much time would be required for completion of your surgery, isn't it?
Any breast reduction surgery takes anywhere between 2-5 hours.

The procedure:
  • General anesthesia: The surgeon administers general anesthesia to you. The anesthesia makes you unconscious. 
  • Incisions are created: The surgeon then drills multiple incisions around both your breasts.
  • Excess fat is removed: Excess fat accumulated near the breast and breast tissue is removed for purpose of reduction of breast size.
  • Repositioning and stitching:  Repositioning of the nipples happens due to this. The breasts are then stitched up. Special gauzes are used to keep them in place. 
  • Placing gauze dressing or bandages: Gauze dressings are done to cover either of the breasts.  
  • Reattaching nipple and areola: This step is common only if the patient has very big or drooping breasts. Nipples and areola are removed. They are attached in a different position on the breasts, using them as skin graft.
Steps to take for a speedy recovery:
Breast reduction surgery is a procedure wherein the patient need not stay back in hospital after she's operated on. However the patient needs to take few steps for a faster recovery. They are as follows: 
  • Avoid driving- Driving a vehicle should be avoided for a week at least post surgery
  • Wear a sports bra- Wearing a sports bra for 3 months is advised by surgeons too
  • Put off exercising- Exercises which put a strain on your body should be avoided for a month post surgery
  • Visit to the surgeon- A follow-up visit after a couple of weeks should be scheduled with the surgeon
  • Stitches are removed The stitches done in the final stage of breast reduction surgery are taken out after 2 weeks, if they weren't solvent.
Contact the doctor immediately if: 
Corrective surgeries such as these always have a small chance of going wrong. It is best to contact the doctor immediately if you notice one or few of these indications.
  • Bleeding 
  • Loss of sensation in the nipples
  • Differing shape of both breasts
  • Losing the ability to breastfeed
  • Swelling and discoloration of skin
  • Persistent pain
Benefits of breast reduction surgery:
Breast reduction surgery in India is more out of necessity and less a matter of vanity as compared to situation in western part of the world. Indian women have to face objectification and lewd comments, cat-calls, subject to ridicule. If the woman has a larger cup size , then things get worse for her. However, breast reduction surgery is a way to get back to a normal life. You can get best prices for breast reduction surgery in India. These are the following benefits attached to the cosmetic surgery:
  • A straightened posture: Breast reduction takes off the weight off one's chest-literally and figuratively! It enables the woman to walk like a lady-with a straight back. She doesn't have to slouch or get bogged down by weight.
  • Resume exercising: You also can continue your physical fitness regimen like any normal woman. You could easily do everything which you couldn't do in the past like running, swimming, going on brisk walks, going to the gymnasium
  • No selective buying of clothes: After the surgery, you can wear whatever you pleease. Fitting into the classy little black dress for going out with someone won't any longer be a pain in your chest! Sporting swimsuits won't be any difficulty post surgery.
  • Firmer breasts: Post surgery your breasts would feel firmer thus making you walk with confidence. 
  • No skin irritation: The skin around the breasts becomes firmer and the irritation or itching sensation subsides too.
These are the risks associated with breast reduction surgery:
Studies suggest that 10-50% women undergoing breast reduction surgery may run into complications and may also need a follow-up surgery as well. Many of the women attract developing wide scars all thanks to incisions made by the surgeon. 
Further there are the following risks coming attached with undergoing this surgery:
  • Asymmetric shaped breasts
  • Permanent scars which lighten but do not disappear
  • Blood oozing inside the breast tissue
  • Becoming allergic to blood products, injections etc
  • Reduced healing capacity when wounds occur
  • Blood clots in veins 
  • Irreversible damage to blood vessels, lungs etc
  • Cardiac and lung complications
However, the silver lining is that breast reduction surgery if performed on women in their 50s could reduce chances of breast cancer by about 60%. Breast reduction surgery comes with its own risks and benefits. Discussing every detail and potential risk to your health with your surgeon is of great importance.