Monday, December 12, 2016

How to cope with Hair-fall?

Hair fall is a common problem that is faced by almost everyone these days. This problem is not restricted to any particular sex. Both men and women are victims of this problem. We all want healthy beautiful hair and always try to find ways to achieve that. Many clinics now provide Hair-fall treatment in India.

Normally we have around 100,000 strands of hair on our scalp. It is normal to lose 50 to 100 strands of hair every day. But if you are losing more than that, then it is time to take necessary actions to prevent this excess hair-fall.

Common Causes of hair-fall
Many factors can be reasons for your hair-fall. Some of the major causes are:
  • Change in weather or environment
  • Stress
  • Aging
  • Imbalance of hormones
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Infection on scalp
  • Some hair products or chemicals in hair products can also cause hair-loss
  • genetic factors.
Some medicines and diseases may also lead to hair-fall. Listed are some of the common diseases which causes hair-loss.
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Diseases of Autoimmune system
  • Deficiency of iron (Anemia)
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Chronic disease like Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Heart diseases
Treatments for Hair-Fall:
Lots of options are present for treating the problem of hair-loss. Many people first try to use natural home remedies before visiting a dermatologist. But in most cases, these home remedies take lot more time to show any effect and also they may not even work in most scenarios. If you are facing lot of hair-fall and want quick relief from this problem, then consult your dermatologist fast.

Dermatological Hair-fall treatment options in India
Many people in India now prefer to consult a doctor for treating hair-loss. Many people also opt for hair transplant.

Following are the different hair-fall treatment options available:

Studies show that the hair follicle is strengthened by Biotin. This also promotes hair growth. Biotin is also a very costly vitamin which is found in vitamin B-complex tablets in very less amount.Higher amount of biotin, i.e. around 8-10mg, is available in vitamins that are specifically targeted to hair-fall. Biotin is also present in large amount in non-vegetarian food like organ meat and eggs. Dairy products are also rich source of biotin. Dark Green vegetables like cabbage, lettuce and other leafy vegetables are also providers of biotin.Eating nuts like walnuts and almonds can also prove beneficial.

Any lotion which has Minoxidil, is often prescribed for hair-loss problem. This lotion is used in initial stages. This lotion increases the blood circulation to the scalp, hence reducing hair-fall.

Finasteride is also another medicine which will help to reduce the male hormone on hair follicle. It prevents conversion of hair follicle into the active hormone. But this medicine can cause side effects so should only be used by consulting a skin specialist.

In this treatment, small injections of stem cells are given in the skin. These injections are given such that they will provide maximum benefit with less wastage. As this process is little painful, some local numbing cream is applied to minimize this pain.

In this procedure, a roller blade like device called as dermaroller is rubbed gently on the areas where you have hair-loss. This will cause irritation of skin which will stimulate the stem cells that are present in deeper part of hair follicle. These stem cells later grow and have the ability to develop into new hair follicles. This treatment is very beneficial in the initial stages of a condition known as alopecia. We can further improve the effects by infusing growth factor or stem cells. The channels which are created in scalp by microneedling will enable active medicine to go deep in the deeper layer where it is more effective.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP):
In this process, the patient's blood samples will be taken in the morning. This blood sample is then processed and the platelets will be separated. Theses platelets will then be activated. The active platelets are then inserted in the area where the hair-loss is happening on the scalp with microneedling or by using direct injections. These activated platelets can help to reverse hair fall.

All these treatments are now available at affordable prices in many clinics across India. They can really be very helpful to treat the problem of baldness and hair-fall which can really make a person lose confidence. Many good doctors provide advanced Hair-fall treatment in India, which gives quick results. So if you face this problem and are finding it impossible to live with it, consult a dermatologist near you and enjoy a new and confident look.
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Friday, December 2, 2016

Dental X-rays: Types, Purpose, Procedure, Cost

Dental X-rays are the pictures of the teeth taken needed by dentists to evaluate the oral health. The X-rays take picture of the teeth, mouth, jaw, hidden dental structures like wisdom teeth, and bone loss. These are done depending upon the age of patient, current oral health,any symptoms of oral disease, and by history of gum disease or tooth decay. The dental X-rays are of low radiation and capture the interior of the teeth and gums. They are helpful in identifying the problems like cavity, tooth decay, impacted teeth. In general, the X-rays is performed by two ways. One is intraoral, in which the X-ray film is inside the mouth. They give a detailed history of the cavities, health of tooth root, jaw bone, and dental health. Second is Extra oral X-rays, in which the dental film is outside the mouth. These X-rays show teeth but the main focus is jaw and skull. They look after the impacted teeth, monitor growth and identify the development and the diseases of the jaws in relation to the teeth.

Types of Dental X-rays
The types of Dental X-rays that are performed these days are as following:

1. Bitewing X-rays: These X-rays show the upper and lower back teeth and interpret how the teeth touch each other in a single view. They are used to check the tooth decay, alignment of the upper and lower teeth line, bone loss, gum disease, and any kind of infection. They are performed especially for tooth decays.
2. Periapical X-rays: These X-rays show the entire tooth starting from crown portion to end of roots. They also show the bone that supports the teeth. They are used to find problems below the gum line, in jaw, impacted teeth, abscesses, cysts, tumors, and bone alterations. When a patient arrives at the clinic, in their first visit a periapical X-ray taking around 18 to 21 X-ray film is performed. 
3. Occlusal X-rays: These X-rays shows the roof of the mouth, finds extra teeth that have not been broken, jaw fractures, cleft palate, cysts, abscesses, and other kinds of abnormal growths. They are used to find a foreign object that may be present inside the tooth. They are the X-rays that   are performed in rare cases.
4.Panoramic X-rays: These are the X-rays showing the broad view of the jaws, teeth, sinus, nasal cavity, and jaw joints. These X-rays are not capable of finding cavities, impacted teeth, bone abnormalities, cysts, abnormal growth, infections, and jaw fractures.

Purpose of Dental X-rays
  • Finding problems like tooth decay, tooth damage, damage to bones supporting the teeth, dental injury.
  • Finding the alignment of lower and upper teeth.
  • Finding teeth that are not in the right place or do not break through the gum properly. 
  • Finding cysts, solid growths like tumors, and abscesses.
  • Checking the location of permanent teeth in children who still have baby teeth.
  • Diagnosis of large cavities.
  • Planning the root canal surgery, placement of dental implants, and difficult tooth removals.
Preparing for a Dental X-ray
Any special preparation is not required for a dental X-ray. Although, the patient is asked to brush their teeth before visiting the dentist. It prevents hygienic environment and keep the risks of infections at a bay. In case, the patient is pregnant tan she should inform the doctor beforehand so as to protect the baby for radiations.

Procedure of Dental X-ray
Dental X-rays are performed in the clinic itself. Any kind of hospitalization is not required. Firstly, the patient is covered with a heavy lead apron and made to sit in a upright position on a chair. Lead apron protects the body from X-rays. Even the neck is covered to shield the thyroid gland from radiations. The patient would be asked to bite down a piece of cardboard or plastic. The cardboard or plastic holds X-ray film. The patient may be asked to bite the cardboard several times to get the images of all the teeth. The dentists record all the images of teeth to diagnose the tooth problems. A dental hygienist will clean your teeth if they are present over there. After the X-rays is performed, the patient may be asked to rinse their mouth. Different radiography techniques are used. The method described above uses an electronic sensor instead of a X-ray film. The images stored can be viewed whenever required.

Risks of Dental X-rays
The amount of radiation used in dental X-rays is low. However, there is a nominal risk of damage of cells or tissues being exposed to radiation. The risk is far low as compared to the benefits of the test. Apart, from the radiation no other risk is there.

Cost of Dental X-ray in India
There are numerous dental clinics all over India. In almost, all the clinics a dental X-ray is performed. The cost of the Dental X-ray is nominal. It starts from around Rs.200 and may extend up to rs.700. The costs depend on the type of X-ray performed and the kind of technology used. The film technology is cheaper than the sensor technology used during a Dental X-ray. Secondly, the cost is also related to the dentists one is going to. Specialists may charge a little higher but the amount won’t to exceed Rs.1000 in any of the cases. To more information and cost about Dental X-ray in India.

Dental X-rays are an important part to keep up the oral health. They are equally important like brushing and flossing. Regular dental X-rays are required by everyone. Adults should have bitewing X-rays every 2 to 3 years. Teens should have bitewing X-rays every 1½ to 3 years. Children should have bitewing X-rays every 1 to 2 years. X-rays are to be performed even in cases when you don’t have any serious dental problem as a precautionary dental checkup. The Dental X-rays are not at all painful, costly or invasive procedures. So, they can be performed routinely to keep a good oral health. Studies say, one should go for a Dental X-ray at least once in a year to avoid future dental problems.
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