Tuesday, July 19, 2016

All about Dental braces surgery

Not all of us are blessed with a perfect set of teeth. Many people face the problem of alignment with their teeth. This can lead to low self esteem in case of many individuals. But there is no need to worry now. We can easily solve this problem with dental braces. This treatment will make the alignment of teeth proper and hence, provide a perfect smile and perfect oral health. So what exactly is this Dental braces surgery and what is the procedure for it?

Dental braces surgery-procedure
The total procedure of putting the dental braces may be of different time span according to the need of patients. Also, the misconception that this procedure is only for children is very wrong. This surgery can be performed at any age.

The first and the very important thing is to visit a good dentist and discuss with him the problem. According to the condition of your teeth, the dentist will suggest if you need braces or not. He will take some X- rays and examine them. He will also discuss your dental history. Based on all this, he will suggest you the treatment options.
Dental braces 

If braces are to be given to the patient, the dentist will first take impression of the patients teeth and create a mold of it. This mold will be useful in creating the custom appliances for the teeth.
Before putting brackets on teeth, the teeth have to be polished.

Once this is done, the dentist will insert molar band to ensure proper anchoring of the dental braces. Some bonding agent is used to stick the brackets to each and every teeth. After all the teeth have been bracketed, the dentist will insert an archwire through all the brackets for connecting them and then clip the ends of this wire for the ease of the patient. The dentist will also apply elastic ligatures so that the archwire will not not move from its place. This entire process can take about 20 minutes.

Patient may feel some discomfort and tightness in his mouth after the first sitting and first adjustment sitting. This can be felt for about 6 to 7 hours after your appointment. The soreness is the result of the tightening of the teeth to the  desired position. Your dentist will prescribe you with pain killers which you may have to take for 2 to 4 days after your sitting. Gradually you will get used to the tightening and will not feel this pain.

Duration of treatment 
This whole procedure will take many months time and you will have to visit your dentist every month for the adjustment sittings. During this adjustment sitting, the dentist will examine the patient's progress. The adjustment appointment will involve removing the elastic ties that keep the braces in place and the archwire will also be removed. New archwire and elastic ties will then be placed to further move the teeth and continue with the treatment.

Care to be taken during treatment
During this treatment it is very important to keep proper oral hygiene. So it is advised to brush your teeth for at least three times a day. Certain sticky foods should also be avoided so that you may not break the bond between the brackets. Patient should consume soft food and should avoid hard food items. Fruits such as apples should be cut in pieces and then consumed.

Once the dentist feels that your treatment is over, he will remove your braces. You may also be given retainers which have to worn for some period of time. Once all these procedures are over, you should perform teeth whitening as there may be certain discoloration on the teeth. This completes the process of dental braces surgery and you are free to enjoy your beautiful smile.
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